ICANN Transport and India Travel

ICANN Transport Requisite

Event Information

Sr No

Vehicle Name

Vehicle Type Max No. of Pax Grand Total
1 Toyota Etios AC / Swift Desire/ Verito Standard Sedan 3 INR 3,380
2 Toyota Innova AC Standard SUV 4 INR 3,950

Kindly Note:-

  • Sedan can take 3 pax with luggage
  • The SUV can take 4 pax with luggage

Payment Instructions:-

  • Kindly note that we have 2 payment options: Personal Card and Corporate Cards. Select the payment options accordingly on the payment page for the payment to be successful.
  • If your card is being rejected for the transaction, kindly call your card issuing bank and instruct them to authorize the transaction and retry the same.

Registration Fee

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