· Terms & Conditions:
· 1. Conference Registration is mandatory for all delegates and faculty including children above the age of 5 years.
2. Photo ID is mandatory for all Delegates for Security Reasons to enter the Conference area.
3. Please ensure to wear registration badge in the conference area.
4. Preferred mode of payment: Card, Net-Banking Only
5. Registration is non-transferable.
6. A delegate must bring email receipt/confirmation at the time of registration.
7. PG Students must submit / upload an official letter of the institute (PDF format) originally stamped and signed by the Head of Department/Institute certifying this status during the registration process.
8. Please mention your registration number in all communications.
9. Registration confirmation letter along with Registration ID would be sent to you within a week
after receipt of your payment.
10. All Remittance / Bank Charges / online transaction fees to be paid by the delegate.
11. Registration Fee is exclusive of currently applicable taxes (GST 18%). Any change in taxes will be as per prevailing tax structure.
12. Delegate kit would be handed over only to the registered delegate. Only in exceptional cases, the kit would be handed over to any representative authorized by the Registered Delegate with a copy of signed Authorized Registration receipt.
13. The organizer will not be responsible for any date change of the conference.
14. The organizer will not be responsible for loss or theft of personal belongings.
15. Post-conference no kit or any material will be disbursed to the delegate/associate delegate /PG student.
16. The Organizers have the right to reschedule the conference on other suitable dates in case of a Covid wave Government restriction.
>>50% refund (on base price, against registration) be processed if cancelled on or before 30th Sept 2023
>>25% refund (on base, against registration) will be processed if cancellation is done on or before 10th Oct 2023
>>No Refunds after 10th Oct 2023